E-commerce Payment Trends for Small Businesses in 2024
Olamide Salami
Jan 10, 2024
The emergence of e-commerce in the past decades has caused a massive shift in how customers shop and pay for products. The outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown accelerated the growth of online shopping, ushering in an era of e-commerce dominance. Even though normalcy has returned, many customers have stuck to habits they picked up during the pandemic. For instance, many people now prefer a digital payment method over the traditional cash method.
As e-commerce continues to grow, payment remains a key component of the ecosystem capable of fast-tracking the growth of an e-commerce business that leverages it. This article discusses some of the latest trends in e-commerce payments that you can leverage for your small business growth.
1. E-wallets

E-wallets, also known as digital wallets, are one of the top rising trends in e-commerce payments this year. It is expected that by 2023 end, more than 4 billion people will have and use e-wallets to make purchases, and 30% of POS payments will happen through e-wallets.
There are several digital wallets, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay that allow customers to make payments seamlessly both online and offline. This is a trend that many retailers and e-commerce stores are on board with, and is only becoming more popular. Hence, the use of digital wallets for payment is a trend that your small business has to keep up with to leverage e-commerce payments.
2. Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)